Thursday, November 21, 2013

To Mount Rainier, From Me

Dear Mount Rainier,

You have been on my mind every day since I stepped off the snowy trail that cascades down one of your shoulders.  You consume my dreams in exciting fashion.  You have strengthened, what I refer to as, my sickness of mountaineering.  I find myself researching books and the web to get to know you better.  You appear unexpected to me in unique places:  license plates, default desk top wall paper, magazines, commercials, and text messages.  You seem to know how to find me.  You motivate and inspire me!

I have learned a lot from our last encounter and am in current preparation for our next meeting.  The date has been set for our reunion on July 7th 2014.  I currently have two other teams members joining me.  We have been busy planning the logistics, gear and skills that we will need. Our training is only a few months a way.

 I ask that you be patient in lieu of my return and groom yourself with perfect conditions for our summit bid.  I will speak highly of you to others with the utmost respect.  In the meantime, may your beauty shine to those who are near and may no one soul take you for granted.



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