Sunday, September 1, 2013

Mt. Beirstadt- A Colorado 14er Done Thrice

Mt. Bierstadt 14,060 ft
Date Climbed:  August 24, 2013

Trailhead:  Guannella Pass
Start Time:  7:45 am
Finish Time:  2:13 pm
Climbing Time (round trip):  6 hours 3 minutes
Elevation Gain:  2,850 ft
Distance Traveled:  7 miles

This was my third trip up Mt. Bierstadt.  I led a group of five, including my father, mother and oldest son.  The remaining two had not yet summited a 14er and had a strong drive to get up to the top.  We started on a glorious Saturday morning.

Our happy hiking group(Dawson, Me, Mom, Dad, Cherie and Jim)

 As usual, the trail was crowded and at times we were walking "cheek to cheek" up the trail in single file.  The trek across the willows was rewarding with a glimpse of a moose cow drinking and bathing in a pond to the South of the trail.  We came upon the crossing of Scott Gomer Creek.  The water was running fairly strong and posed the biggest challenge of the hike.  Everyone crossed with care and no one went for a swim.  The trail began its climb out of the willows and our pace slowed.  We began the "leap frogging" of other hikers (which would continue all the way to the summit).  Our first rest break occured at the plateau as the trail turned to the East.

Dawson on a prime resting rock

Our hike continued up until the next level area, where my mother decided it was time to turn back.  She was experiencing some altitude affects.  The rest of us continued on as she descended back to the car where we would rendezvous with her on our finish.  
 Just before Mom's turn around

We kept pace, slogging up the West slope as it steepened.  Dawson was losing steam and had a headache.  I  had to bribe him with post hiking pizza and DQ in order to keep going.  We made it to the saddle and the clouds were forming to the West.
Almost to the saddle

Now the fun begins!  The final 200 feet is hiking up through talus and boulders (class 2 climbing) on the standard trail.  If you climb to the Southeast of the trail you can find some class 2+-3 scrambling- so that is what Dawson and I did.  Jim had gone up first on the standard trail on a mission!  My Dad and Cherie, kept pace together behind us on the standard trail.
 Dad starting the final push

Dawson- almost to the summit

We all arrived at the summit shortly after 11:30 am!  It was so great to watch those in our group experience their first 14er summit and to be on top with my son and Dad.  We settled on the crowded summit for some spectacular views, replenished our bodies with nutritional energy and snapped photos.  
 The summit crew

The 3 generations of Macombers

I recently visited Which Wich and kept the sandwich bag and their Peak Log to take to the top of Bierstadt.   Of the Colorado Which Wich stores, if you take a picture of yourself with a Which Wich bag on top a 14er and bring it in to the store you get a free sandwich.  Needless to say, we got pictures of ourselves with the bag and log...YUM!

Jim with his Which Wich items

Well, as it usually goes in the Colorado mountains, the clouds were looking stormy, so it was time to disembark from the summit.  As we reached the saddle we could see rain in the distance near Breckenridge.

Yes!  Back at the saddle.

On the saddle we heard thunder a few miles to the Southwest and quickened our pace to get down.  Rain drops sputtered on us and soon mixed this hail.   We had two scary moments of "too close to us" lightening flashes.  By the time we reached the willows we were in a full rain storm with a mile still to hike.  My Dad and Cherie were slowed by fatigue and aching bodies and a line of hikers developed behind us.  I stayed behind to make sure we all made it out.  Jim and Dawson were way out in front of us(not in sight).  

The storm moving in over Dawson

We came to the stream crossing again and negotiated it carefully as the rocks were slick from the rain.  Trekking poles sure do help in those situations.  A gal behind me fell in almost fully submerged for a few seconds.  It was difficult getting her up, but she was ok outside of being soaked.

The rain stopped with about a half mile left.  My REI nylon pants and Marmot Precipe jacket dried quickly.  It is all about having the right gear and being prepared!  We made it back to the trailhead safely.  I felt good. A breeze of a hike for me compared to the others I've done this summer.  Dawson, my Dad and Cherie on the other hand were spent.
Cherie glad to be down and finished.

We got back to our cars, finding my Mom had returned safely too.  We celebrated with some New Belgium Fat Tire provided by Cherie and packed up for home.  I kept my promises to Dawson and stopped in Idaho Springs for some Beau Joes pizza, but there was a festival going on and no parking available.  We jumped back on I-70 and enjoyed some DQ Blizzards near home.  What a great Colorado Day with family and friends!

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